A controlled-environment study using 37 species (6 functional groups) examining how photosynthesis and respiration rates are impacted by a factorial combination of high and low N and P supply
  • Description

    This gas exchange dataset is the result of a large glasshouse experiment where 37 different species from 6 functional groups (or plant functional types) were grown 4 nutrient combinations of high and low nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), using 6 replicates. Each row represent the data from a light response curve taken on each individual plant grown at 25C. Light-saturated conditions were set at 1800 umol m-2 s-1, with leaf temperature controlled for at 25°C. The light response curves always started at saturating light conditions but then focused on the initial linear part of the light response curve from zero to 100 umol m-2 s-1 photon flux density (PPFD). This was done to apply the Kok method and derive an estimate of mitochondrial respiration in the light (RLight or also noted here as Rd.actual, Rd being Rday) in addition to all other parameters derived from a light response curve. While our aim was to investigate how these different nutrient combinations impacted on plant metabolism, both photosynthesis as well as respiration, there are other relationships that could be explored with this dataset. We report gas exchange and nutrient concentrations on a mass- and area basis (but also on N and P basis for metabolic variables). Data for soluble sugars, starch and non-structural carbohydrates are available for 16 woody plant species (but not for herbaceous species). The main dataset is the masterfile_GH_filtered.csv whereas the same data is presented in Filtered_Rlight.csv but with further filtering for Rlight.

    Further details are available in the related publication.

    • Data publication title A controlled-environment study using 37 species (6 functional groups) examining how photosynthesis and respiration rates are impacted by a factorial combination of high and low N and P supply
    • Description

      This gas exchange dataset is the result of a large glasshouse experiment where 37 different species from 6 functional groups (or plant functional types) were grown 4 nutrient combinations of high and low nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), using 6 replicates. Each row represent the data from a light response curve taken on each individual plant grown at 25C. Light-saturated conditions were set at 1800 umol m-2 s-1, with leaf temperature controlled for at 25°C. The light response curves always started at saturating light conditions but then focused on the initial linear part of the light response curve from zero to 100 umol m-2 s-1 photon flux density (PPFD). This was done to apply the Kok method and derive an estimate of mitochondrial respiration in the light (RLight or also noted here as Rd.actual, Rd being Rday) in addition to all other parameters derived from a light response curve. While our aim was to investigate how these different nutrient combinations impacted on plant metabolism, both photosynthesis as well as respiration, there are other relationships that could be explored with this dataset. We report gas exchange and nutrient concentrations on a mass- and area basis (but also on N and P basis for metabolic variables). Data for soluble sugars, starch and non-structural carbohydrates are available for 16 woody plant species (but not for herbaceous species). The main dataset is the masterfile_GH_filtered.csv whereas the same data is presented in Filtered_Rlight.csv but with further filtering for Rlight.

      Further details are available in the related publication.

    • Data type dataset
    • Keywords
      • Leaf respiration
      • Nitrogen
      • Phosphorus
      • Photosynthesis
      • Australian species
    • Funding source
    • Grant number(s)
      • -
    • FoR codes
      • 300710 - Tree nutrition and physiology
      • 3108 - Plant biology
      • 310806 - Plant physiology
      • 3007 - Forestry sciences
      SEO codes
      Temporal (time) coverage
    • Start date 2009/01/01
    • End date 2010/07/10
    • Time period
      Spatial (location,mapping) coverage
    • Locations
    • Related publications
        Name Nitrogen and phosphorus availabilities interact to modulate leaf trait scaling relationships across six plant functional types in a controlled-environment study
      • URL http://doi.org/10.1111/nph.14591
      • Notes
    • Related website
    • Related metadata (including standards, codebooks, vocabularies, thesauri, ontologies)
    • Related data
      • URL
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      • Notes
      Citation Crous, Kristine; Atkin, Owen (2017): A controlled-environment study using 37 species (6 functional groups) examining how photosynthesis and respiration rates are impacted by a factorial combination of high and low N and P supply. Western Sydney University.